The 1st Doctor Episodes


The 1st Doctor

William Hartnell (1963 - 1966)
Richard Hurndall (1983)
David Bradley (2017)

It began with a madman in a blue box. William Hartnell was the first to don the roll of the Doctor. Some of the show’s most iconic villains appear during this time, including the Daleks and the Cybermen.
Due to Hartnell’s death in 1975, he was unable to reprise his role for the 20th anniversary special, The Five Doctors. Richard Hurndall was was cast to play the First Doctor in that special.
David Bradley was cast to play William Hartnell in the TV movie about the early years of Doctor Who,  An Adventure in Space and Time. David would somewhat reprise the role taking on the full mantle of the First Doctor in episode Twice Upon a Time.


Episode list is in order of when the television episodes aired, not necessarily when our podcast episode premiered.


Season 1

An Unearthly Child

This week we go back to the beginning, or as beginning as you can get with a time traveler. We're talking about An Unearthly Child with the 1st Doctor, Susan, Barbara and Ian. An if caveman politics sounds interesting to you, than you are in luck! It's as classic as it gets this week.


The Daleks

The first Doctor's first great foe.  We watched the Terry Nation classic Who series, The Daleks.  The Doctor, William Hartnell, and his companions Susan, Ian and Barbara, find themselves on the planet Skaro with two races at war.

Vince, Beth, and Kris break down the series and talk about Action Ian, the adventures of Susan, and the wonders of spelunking.


The Sensorites

This week we visit one of the 1st Doctor's most fearsome foes, little old men in footie pajamas!!! Actually it's the Sensorites and don't let them get in your head (literally). We also get to see Ian and Barbara again, along with Susan. Join us on a ship, on a planet, and of course, in some caves.



Season 2

The Dalek Invasion of Earth

The Daleks return in this quintessential 1st Doctor story. Earth is in a bad place and it's up to Team Tardis to save the day.

This week we cover some Doctor Who news and we complete our discussion of The Dalek Invasion of Earth. Barbara runs over some Daleks the Doctor helps Susan follow her heart... also Ian is there.


The Rescue

This week we travel with the 1st Doctor as he picks up new companion Vicki. But there's a twist!

The Romans

We're back with our Classic Who rewatch! On this episode we talk about the beginning of the 1st Doctor story, The Romans.
We also discuss, Gun Powder Milkshake and Ancient Aliens, and other tangents.

We kick things off today with the BIG news about changes coming to the Tardis. And Kris is back to help discuss the latest departures from the show.
Later in the episode, Vince and Beth finish the discussion of The Romans.


The Chase

The 1st Doctor goes on the craziest space and time road trip EVER.
And those pesky Daleks are there to spoil the fun.


Season 3

The War Machines

The first Doctor and Dodo are hot on the case of an artificial intelligence on the loose in London. It's bent on taking over the world and plans to use terrible machines to bring death and destruction. Luckily the Doc's new friends and Polly and Ben are around to help save the day!


The Doctor along with Ben and Polly are working to save the world from Wotan's evil War Machines. Hey has anyone seen Dodo?



Season 4

The Tenth Planet

We're going back to the future with the 1st Doctor this week. Lot's of historic firsts in this episode with the first base under siege story, the first appearance of the Cybermen, and the first Regeneration! The Doctor Who canon is packed in this one.



Other Appearances

The Three Doctors 1 & 2

The Third Doctor teams up with the Second Doctor and the First Doctor! Which makes sense considering the name of the story is the Three Doctors.


The Three Doctors 3 & 4

The Third and Second Doctors, along with Jo Grant and the Brigadier find themselves in an antimatter universe. Will they be able to stop the mighty Omega?


The Five Doctors

What can be better than one Doctor? How about FIVE of them!?! This week we're watching the 20th Anniversary episode of Doctor Who, The Five Doctors. And better yet, some favorite companions come back for the fun. Come along with us on this journey and see old enemies, and some new ones too as we go on a road trip through the Death Zone.


Twice Upon a Time

Reunions and departures. War and peace. Renewals and regenerations. This week we get the tissues ready for an emotional farewell to the 12th Doctor. And as in every regeneration story, we get a sneak peek at the next Doctor.
