The Tenth Doctor Stories


The 10th Doctor

David Tennant (2005 - 2010, 2013)

As Tom Baker was to Classic Who, David Tennant has become for New Who. Building off the momentum of the 2005 relaunch, David took the show to new places, introduced memorial companions and brought back even more fearsome adversaries.


Season 2

The Christmas Invasion

'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the Tardis, not a creature was stirring, not even the Doctor, because he was sleeping.  And then some robots showed up, and he kept sleeping.  And then some aliens showed up, and he kept on sleeping.
But the Doctor does eventually wake up to deliver some lumps of coal to all the bad little aliens who tried to take over the world.

It's our first Christmas special and our first time with David Tennant as the Doctor.


New Earth

Series 2 kicks off with a bang!  Well, it actually kicks off more with a series of horrible diseases and cat people.  Regardless, it's a fun adventure for our new Doctor.  We had a lot of fun watching our leads swap bodies and all the great things that happened in those bodies. We're still a bit confused on where the Doctor and Rose stand with one another, but it's only the first episode of the series, there's plenty of time to figure that out.


Tooth and Claw

Kung Fu monks, werewolves, and the Queen?  All in one episode?!  Yes!!!  This episode has all of that, and of course the Doctor shows up.  And what's more, Rose gets naked... by Victorian standards anyway.  We had a lot of fun with Tooth and Claw, you can tell because we get punchy about half way through.


School Reunion

We've all had this nightmare.  You go into school and take an exam that you're not at all prepared for.  And to make things worse, you find that your school has been over run by aliens.  But it's not a nightmare, it's really happening!  Fear not, for the Doctor, Rose, Mickey, Sarah Jane Smith and K-9 are on the case!  This week we're talking about School Reunion and the return of fan favorite companion Sarah Jane Smith.


The Girl in the Fireplace

Monsters under your bed keeping you up at night?  Never fear, the Doctor is in!  And if you're an attractive French aristocrat, the Doctor will stick around to ensure your safety.

This week we watched The Girl in the Fireplace, its the one where the Doctor and his companions try to stop futuristic robots from invading pre-Revolutionary France.  Don't worry, it's not as crazy as it sounds.


Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel

The Doctor and companions find themselves on a parallel earth this week.  Aside from the Zeppelins, Rose's dad still alive, and the Cybermen, it's pretty much the same earth we all know. Ok, so there are a fair amount of different things on this earth.

But the big thing this week is the return of a fan favorite, the Cybermen.  They're on the same mission as they always are, but in this adventure they're dressed in the hottest fall fashion exoskeletons.


The Idiot's Lantern

We're going back to the future with New Who, but back into the past this week with The Idiot's Lantern.  A face sucking alien threatens the planet during the Queen's coronation, but as luck would have it, the Doctor and Rose are on the case.  And to top it all off, there are Mustache Medals!


The Impossible Planet & The Satan Pit

The Doctor and Rose journey to an impossible planet this week and they meet Satan.  And the rumors are true, Satan is a jerk.  There's also some fun humans and Old they meet along the way.  There's a lot of action and jumps and scares in this two parter, and of course plenty of tangents we go on.


Love and Monsters

Love it or hate it, it's Love and Monsters and it's what we're talking about this week!


Fear Her

Forget STEM, it's little girls drawing that we really have to worry about.  Yeah, lot's of weird messages in this week's episode.  We head back to the eve of the 2012 London games this week and see how the Doctor and Rose saved the 30th Olympiad.  There's also a little girl possessed by an alien.  Yeah, lot's of weird messages in this week's episode.


Army of Ghosts & Doomsday

Who is Torchwood?  Who has the better slam, a Cyberman or a Dalek?  Just how long will the Doctor and Rose make it together?  All of these questions and more, all on today's episode!


Series 2 Recap

It's our series review spectacular!  We rehash everything that went down in Series 2, Rose, Torchwood, Mustache Medals, the whole gamut.


Season 3

The Runaway Bride

It's that time of year again, when friends and families gather to share some good food, exchange gifts, share love, and avoid being destroyed by Santa robots and aliens. This week we're talking about The Runaway Bride. It's the first adventure for the 10th Doctor with a new companion. We break it all down and segway from topic to topic.


Smith and Jones

Here it is, we're into Series 3 and it kicks off with a bang! We meet new companion Martha Jones, a host of baddies, AND it all happens on the moon! There is a lot of zany Doctor Who-ey madness in this one, so buckle up.


The Shakespeare Code

Come hither thy noble men and ladies of the land.  Hear the tale of a brave hero, The Doctor of Tardis, and his companion the fair Lady Martha of Freedonia as they fight against the most vile of villainous witches that hath stepped upon this land.  
And what good fortune that should bestow our heroes, as the mightiest of wordsmiths, William Shakespeare has entered the arena ready his lips to do battle 'gainst those who wind words so whimsical.



Hands at 10 and 2, remember to check your mirrors and watch out for large car eating crabs. This week The Doctor takes Martha to New Earth and we do our best to avoid all the plotholes, I mean potholes.


Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks

The Daleks are in New York City!  Join us this week as we follow everyone's favorite Doctor Who monster around the Big Apple.  And what would a trip to New York be without seeing a Broadway show!!!  That's right, this week's episode has a show stopping musical number (the show has a musical number, Vince, Kris, nor Beth sing this week).  


The Lazarus Experiment

Who needs the fountain of youth when you can get into a capsule that nearly explodes and then you turn into a giant monster?  Well, maybe you better keep looking for the fountain of youth. In any event we get to see more of Martha's family and a naked Englishman.  Lot's of things in this one, buckle up.



It's not quite the story of Icarus, but there is a sun involved and people get burned. We watched 42 this week and we tackle all of the hot issues.... see what we did there?


Human Nature / The Family of Blood

It's Downton Abbey meets Notting Hill meets Predator... Well not quite, but it's still one heck of a mashup!  We watched Human Nature and The Family of Blood this week.



This week we follow the adventures of Sally Sparrow as she uncovers the mystery of the weeping angels. And with a little help from an easter egg hunter and the Doctor, she might just have what it takes.



The Doctor and Martha travel to the very end of the universe.  There's no restaurant there, but they do find Captain Jack Harkness! They also find a blue bug lady, people with bad teeth and an old foe.  Lot of fun stuff to unpack in this week's episode.


The Sound of Drums / The Last of the Timelords

The Master gets his day in the sun when we takes over the world! It's up to Captain Jack-  Oh, no, he's been captured. Well, this looks like a job for the Doctor- Oh jeez, he's been turned into a really old guy. Hey Martha, are you up to the task? We'll find out, in our discussion of the Series 3 finale this week.


Series 3 Recap

From Martha to the Master and every weeping angel in between, we revisit Series 3 of Doctor Who this week.


Series 4

Voyage of the Damned

It's the story of love set during one of histories greatest ironies. It's the story of the Titanic! Except it's not that Titanic. There's no Leo or Kate, or heart of the ocean, although we do get a Billy Zane-esq bad guy. This episode is more along the lines of the Poseidon Adventure in space. And it has Kylie Minogue! So get to the lifeboats, and enjoy our latest episode.


Partners in Crime

We're into Series 4! Donna is back, as is the Doctor of course, and this time they're teaming up to cut the fat. Literally. This is the one with fat babies. Not babies that are overweight. Alien babies that are made of fat. It's best if you don't think about it for too long.


The Fires of Pompeii

It's the Doctor vs the Volcano! Technically it's the Doctor vs magma monsters, oracles, and moral decisions. It's also an episode that features a future companion and a future Doctor. Lot's of great stuff for us to dig into this week!


The Planet of the Ood

Hey it's the Ood again! Hopefully their eyes won't go red this time. Because, if you remember the last time we saw the Ood, their eyes went red and they started killing everyone. But I'm sure that was just a one time deal. And here on an entire planet of Ood, what could possibly go wrong?


The Sontaran Stratagem & The Poison Sky

We're back to New Who this week! To welcome us back we have the Sontarans AND Martha Jones. Now that sounds like quite the adventure right there, but throw in a snotty rat-like punk and a fart-filled sky and now we're talking about an epic adventure this week on Doctor Who.


The Doctor's Daughter

It's take your daughter to work day on Doctor Who! This week meet Jenny, the Doc's daughter/clone/don't think about it too hard. There's also fish people! Something for everyone in this episode.


The Unicorn and the Wasp

Alright gumshoes, we have a real whopper of a case this time. Not even Miss Marple can crack this one on her own. Good thing there is a Time Lord and his plucky assistant on the case to help out. This week we talk about the Series 4 episode, The Unicorn and the Wasp.


Silence in the Library & The Forest of the Dead

Books are great! Unfortunately, most books are found in libraries and only bad things happen in libraries. Don't believe us? Well we've got the episode to prove it. It's a scary, fun, timey wimey adventure this week for the Doctor and Donna as they find love in a library and fight their way through a swarm of really nasty aliens.



What happens when you put the Doctor on a space bus with the galaxy's biggest jerks and a creepy alien? Find out this week as we talk about Midnight. Vince, Kris, and Beth have a lively discussion as to the merits of this episode and the age old argument of author's intent vs critic's interpretation. 


Turn Left

Are you into alternate timelines? Do you like to imagine what the world would be like without the Doctor? Do you love giant bugs who give back hugs? Then do we have the episode for you. In the lead up to the Series 4 finale, we have Turn Left. Donna Noble takes the lead as the world crumbles around her. And a companion from the past returns. All that and more!


Stolen Earth / Journey's End

It all comes down to this... the bees disappearing, the missing planets, and Rose! This week's episode is longer that normal, but this was a dense two-parter to unpack and we have a lot of things to say on the Series 4 finale.


Series 4 Recap

From little plush toy fat monsters to wasps and beetles, and every Dalek in between, we revisit everything that happened in Series 4. Come along with us as we bid a (mostly) fond farewell to Series 4 and all the hijinks that ensued.



The Next Doctor

It's Christmas in July and there are two Doctors under the tree! Join us this week for the first of the David Tennant specials, and this one is a whopper with the Cyberman along for the ride.


Planet of the Dead

Take the Doctor, a sassy new companion, put them on a desert planet with a double decker bus and you got yourself in a whole heap of shenanigans . You also have this week's episode, Planet of the Dead, billed as the 200th story of Doctor Who.


The Waters of Mars

Thirsty? Grab some H2O-Yeah!!! There's more than enough water to go around this week on WDWN. Travel with us to the Red Planet as the Doctor wrestles with his moral code while trying to fend off with some nasty water monsters. And there's a robot. 


End of Time

It's the end of the line for the Tenth Doctor, and The Master and Wilf are there to give him a send off. Also, we get to celebrate Christmas! Old companions and old foes make an appearance.
The End of Time is also the last Russell T. Davies penned Doctor Who episode. So, yeah, there is a lot of ground to cover this week and more than enough to talk about even before we get to the regeneration!


One Last Ride

We take a look back on the Russell T. Davies era of Doctor Who to examine his contributions to the show, and we reflect on the 10th Doctor's time aboard the Tardis. Most fun of all, we get to hear from you, our listeners!
