The Twelfth Doctor Stories


The 12th Doctor

Peter Capaldi (2014 - 2017)

After a couple of Doctors who were nice and on the young end (considering the age of the actors), show runner Steven Moffat decided to shake things up with 12th Doctor. Peter Capaldi brought a considerable grit to the role and presented shades of the Doctor audiences had never seen before. In the end though, his Doctor was the most kind.

 Series 8

Deep Breath

The 12th Doctor is here for new adventures! We kick off his journey with an old foe and some old friends. Take a Deep Breath, things are going to get intense this series.


Into the Dalek

The Doctor comes to face to face with his oldest foe in the smallest way. You read that right. This week, 12 and Clara go Into the Dalek, and Vince, Beth, and Kris go Into a Conversation.


Robot of Sherwood

Prince of Thieves, Men in Tights, and now the Doctor and Clara. It seems everyone has had a crack at the Robin Hood story and this week Doctor Who takes aim at the legend. Did this episode make Vince, Beth and Kris want to join up with the Merry-men?



You smell something?

This week we talk about an episode that's great or not depending on what you're looking for. We get into Listen.


Time Heist

If you liked the Great Muppet Capper or Ocean's 11, you'll love Time Heist. If you didn't like those movies, then allow me to show you the door. For everyone else, hop aboard the fun train to Burglariesberg!


The Caretaker

All the drama of Degrassi, coupled with all the antics of Who's The Boss, paired with a dash of some robot from the $5 sci-fi bin, and you have the Caretaker. We mop up all the thrills and spills in this week's episode.


Kill the Moon

Either we're going down, or this moon is. In this week's episode, the Doctor takes on his greatest adversary ever, a moon. Except, that's no moon, it's an egg. And at that point, the Doctor quits the episode and leaves it to Clara to figure this one out.


Mummy on the Orient Express

There's something so romantic about a train. And there's a lot of terrifying things about mummys! This week we start the clock and dial up the fun as we try to discuss this madcap adventure before the Foretold can get its nasty hands on us.



The Doctor is trapped inside his Tardis! And the Tardis is shrinking?! Well, let me be the first to welcome our 2-Dimensional overlords. Personally, I've never had much use for that silly old third dimension.
What's that?
Clara is going to save us all?
Ok. In that case, suck it 2-Dimensional monsters! Third Dimension rules!


In the Forest of the Night

Do you like forests? Do you like nighttime? Well this episode has one of those! In the Forest of the Night is the episode we're talking about on today's show. There is absolutely a forest in this one. As for a meaningful plot... you'll have to take a listen to our review to answer that question. But there is, and I cannot stress this enough, a forest.


Dark Water & Death in Heaven

The Master, the Cybermen, AND Clara's relationship drama!?! The Doctor has his hands full on this adventure. Good thing UNIT is on call to help out with this one.
And Missy is the crazy adversary we've been asking for! Strap in, there's a lot to cover this week.


Series 8 Recap

This week we recap all the fun and foleys of the 12th Doctor, Clara, and Danny. It's been an interesting season and we'll take a look at it all in context, what worked, what didn't, and what the hell is going on with those trees?


 Series 9

Last Christmas

Put out your milk and cookies for Santa, after all, he may just save your life from killer dream crabs from outer space. This week we're talking about the 12th Doctor's first Christmas adventure, Last Christmas. Clara is back, and so it Danny! Or are they?


The Magician's Apprentice & The Witch's Familiar

The 12th Doctor and Clara are ready for a whole new series of adventures. They get Series 9 started with a bang! Missy AND Davros maneuver to take down the Doctor. Who can be trusted? Jury is still out... mostly. There is a lot to unpack in this two parter, take a listen and let us know what you thought!


Under the Lake & Before the Flood

It's a classic style episode, but it's wearing New Who clothes! We watched Under the Lake and Before the Flood from Series 9 this week. It's a bone chilling romp through an underwater base with g-g-g-ghosts!!! Also there's a really trippy paradox because, time travel.


The Girl Who Died

Looking at the title, you would assume it gives away the ending. But this episode is rich with twists and turns and some deep exploration we've been asking for from this show for a long time. There's something for everyone to sink their teeth into this week. Also, don't drink the warrior juice.


The Woman Who Lived

Looking at the title, you would assume it gives away the ending. And it does. There is a woman and she lives. But don't worry, because there is so much more to this episode! And if you're a fan of cats, and especially of Cats, then this episode has someone who gives Mr. Mistoffelees a run for his money.


The Zygon Invasion/The Zygon Inversion

Osgood, Kate Stewart, UNIT, Zygons, Clumps of Hair. These two episodes have everything the fans want. For real, these two episodes are great and Peter and Jenna each give masterful performances. Give a listen for all of our thoughts on this alien driven political thriller.


Sleep No More

It's a found footage dream, well not a dream, but a story, well they're all stories, but this is an out of continuity dream story, or maybe it's not, maybe it is real, but it doesn't make sense, the Doctor says as much... this is Sleep No More.


Face the Raven

We're nearing the end of Series 9 with Face the Raven. This episode starts out so cool with returning characters and aliens, and there are a lot of awesome ideas to play with. Then right at the end Clara dies, which... really sours the mood. But sometimes sad endings make for amazing episodes, and that is certainly the case this week. 


Heaven Sent

The showdown we've all been waiting for... The 12th Doctor vs a castle. Well it's more of a killer puzzle box. This week, Series 9 continues with Heaven Sent, and it's a real whopper.
Also there's a bonus bit at the end of the episode, so stay tuned.


Hell Bent

The Doctor is back on Gallifrey, and it's not a happy reunion. Toss in some Cybermen, Weeping Angels, and new Tardis, and you've got yourself one heck of a series finale. Also, Clara is back... or is she? Also also, what's up with the Hybrid? If you can explain it, you can have all the jelly beans.


Series 9 Recap

It's been an exciting series of Doctor Who! We look back at all the highs and a few of the lows. How does Series 9 stack up? What is its legacy? Take a listen and you'll get our takes.


The Husbands of River Song

Merry Christmas, it's Easter! Well it's a show about time travel so who cares? This week we're talking about the 2015 Christmas Special, The Husbands of River Song. We dive into a Doctor/River adventure in this swan song for our curly-haired companion. And there are so many baddies for our heroes to fight! Lot's to dig into this week.


Series 10

The Return of Doctor Mysterio

We're back to New Who, and it feels like Christmas! On this ep we discuss the 2016 Christmas Special, The Return of Doctor Mysterio. Not only is it the return of our favorite Time Lord, but it's also the return of Nardole, our favorite android... robot... what is Nardole now? Don't ask questions, just have fun!


The Pilot

The 12th Doctor is back! And he has a new companion, Bill! And Nardole is back too! Want a meta-story? This episode lines one up for you. Want some Daleks? Boom! This episode has them too! Want a cool new Moffat-y monster? Well... we get into it.



Gray skies are gonna clear up,
Put on a smiley face;
Brush off the Vardies and cheer up,
Put on a smiley face.
Take off the gloomy mask of sheer death,
It's not your style
You'll be so alive because you
Ya' decide to smile!

The Doc takes Bill on her first real adventure this week, Smile.


Thin Ice

It's the zenith of summer, so what better time to cool off at the last great London Frost Fair! Too bad there is a giant fish monster and an upper class jerk harvesting fish poop. You read that right. Things happen in this episode. Oh yes, things happen.


Knock Knock

Scares, cheesy knock knock jokes, and a real discussion about the direction of Series 10, we get into it all in this week's show!



We're back into New Who and visual medium Who this week. And we're going to expel a lot of breaths talking about Oxygen. Lucky for us there isn't an evil corporation trying to kill us. Although there may be after this episode. Gear up and hold your breath for Oxygen, unless you're exposed to a vacuum, then don't hold your breath... it's complicated.



It's the end of the world as we know it. Luckily this world is a simulation and it's just the real world that's about to end. Wait, that's not any better.


The Pyramid at the End of the World

Alien Monks and some dolts at a chemical lab. Who would have thought the world was going to end this way? I mean... really, who thought that? The Monks saga continues this week with the Pyramid at the End of the World.


The Lie of the Land

It's like 1984, but with Doctor Who. Pro Tip, don't use this episode as a reference when writing your book report on 1984. This week we wrap up the Monks Trilogy. Did the Monks deliver? Vince, Beth and Kris have thoughts.


Empress of Mars

When Doctor Who goes to the Red Planet, things get crazy and this episode is no exception. The Ice Warriors are back and they're going mechanical toe to toe against the British Empire. Also... something is up with Missy.

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Eaters of Light

This regularly scheduled battle between the Roman Empire and Scotland has been preempted by an inter-dimensional monster invasion. Fortunately for all parties involved, the Doctor, Bill and Nardole are on hand to oversee the events.


World Enough and Time

What could possibly go wrong-  Oh.  Well as it turns out a lot can go wrong with a spaceship, a blackhole, Cybermen, the Master, Missy, and a blue idiot with a gun. The 12th Doctor's final journey starts here. 


The Doctor Falls

The 12th Doctor has to save Bill who has already been turned into a Cyberman, save some human survivors that could be turned into Cybermen, and on top of all that, Missy and the Master are there! AND the Doctor is regenerating! 

In the immortal words of Marty McFly, this is heavy.


Series 10 Recap

This week we look back at Series 10 this week and all the adventures of the 12th Doctor with Bill and Nardole and Missy. The good, the bad, and the huh? 


Twice Upon a Time

Reunions and departures. War and peace. Renewals and regenerations. This week we get the tissues ready for an emotional farewell to the 12th Doctor. And as in every regeneration story, we get a sneak peek at the next Doctor.


So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish Fingers and Custard

We close the chapter on Peter Capaldi and the Steven Moffat era of Doctor Who. We pay tribute to the 12th Doctor and look back on all the timey wimey, wibbly wobbly adventures Steven spun for us.
